This is a very big problem for us as health care providers and as potential future patients. Approximately 10-17 % of health care workers have an allergy to latex already. It might be a simple symptom or sign like watery eyes, chest heaviness, or fatigue. It is a progressive problem and the more contact with latex products the more acute the symptoms and the reactions. Eventually the sensativity to latex becomes so critical that anaphylaxis developes. As many as 18 to 30 % of the allergic population will develope anaphylaxis.
Over 6 million peolpe in the United Sataes are allergic already. This is about 3 to 5 % of the population. What can you do to prevent this form occuring???
Reduce the risk by using non-latex products now!!!
Not only are your carreers in jepardy, but so is your life...
If you use powdered latex gloves, the problem is greater as the dust is
inhailed into your lungs. Everyone from basic first aiders to surgeons are at
But think of the scope of this epidemic... Once you aquire the allergy and you become symptomatic, where will you go for treatment??? Does your local emergency room have non-latex "Crash Carts?" Does your emergency service agency provide non-latex kits to treat patient with the allergy. After an acute episode and 911 intervention is accessed and basic and advanced procedures are initiated, the probelm is compounded. Everything from blood pressure cuffs to E.T. Tubes have latex in them. So, in an attempt to reverse the reaction, it is compounded. Also; certain fruits like bananas, kiwi, avocados and chestnuts are cross reactive with the latex sensativity and potentiate the reaction. And, antihistamines can sometimes prolong or delay the effects and increase the sensativity over a period of time.
Guidlines for latex alergic patients:
Once a diagnosis of latex allergy is made, the affected person must avoid all latex. The people they rely on to help in a medical emergency are often at a loss as to how to safely provide care to these individuals. Latex is prevelent in the health care setting. The follwing guidelines could be implemented to increase the quality of care to the latex allergic patients.
Our department, The San Diego Fire and Life Safety Services together with Rural Metro Corp and The San Diego County EMS agency with Mel Ochs MD., is comming up with a policy to direct local agennies and providers. More information will be provided soon. Please check out the links below.
Still not convinced... Read
A Latex Allergy claims the
life of a 40 year old RET U.S.Navy Leutenant.
Memorial to Hal on the ELASTIC web site.
Also: click here for more information:
Latex Allergy
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