S.D. Paramedics

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rev. 01-19-97

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From the site administrator:

Web page design and maintenance by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic;The WebMaster!

Who is this guy ???????????????

"I would like to thank FireSafe for the image scanning, tech support. Also, Howard Owens from The East County Internet Services for all his technical advice and support. And the tech support form SoftQuad and Assymetrix. Without all their help this site would not have been possible. It is amazing what you can do with dynamic user friendly-software and efficient and knowledgable tech support-customer service."

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All aspects of this page are copyright © 1996 The San Diego Paramedics & S.D.C.P.A. and unless otherwise stated are the property of the San Diego Paramedics and the San Diego County Paramedic Association.