Safety Alert for all Public Safety Personnel

The Secondary Device!!!

This information was confirmed by The San Diego Police Department Criminal Intelligence Unit

Per The F.B.I. and The A.T.F. multiple incidents have been reported and are currently under investigation pertaining to "Mag Flashlight" PIPE BOMB detonations. Apparently, the bombs are being used against Law Enforcement and EMS/Fire Rescue personnel.

The "Mag Lite" or similar lite is left on at a crime scene or incident in the "ON Position..." Unsuspecting police or fire/EMS personnel pick it up believing it to be one of the crews equipment and turn off the light which causes the bomb to detonate.

The A.T.F. suggests extreme caution while serving search warrants, at crime scenes, a BOMB threat, or durring the investigation of an explosion, traetment of victims post a detonation, and when making arrest. For fire/ EMS scenes be cautious for anything unusual. One scenario is that a device is exploded and various agencies respond. A secondary device, "The Flashlight," is found nearby which completes the objective of the crime itself, harm a person. If there are victims, remove them form trhe scene immediately. Treat and examine them in the ambulance por away from the scene.

This is not oriented to the U.S. only as devices have been found in other parts of the word including third world countries.

In the Los Angeles area, an officer found a Plastic Lantern type camping light at an incident and thought it was odd. Without turning it on or opening it up, he gave it to the Explosive Device Technicians. His intuitions proved to be fortunate as the body of the lamp was loaded with explosives and set to detonate when turned on...

If a Mag Lite or any other light or lamp is found, it should be left alone, the area secured, and proper notifications made.

Reduce the risk by being cautious... Keep your eyes and ears open.





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