S.D. Paramedic NEWS-ONLINE

Representing both City and County Paramedics, Private and Public:
ECG Rythm
NewsOn-line News Service

updated 01-21-97

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We exercise our rights as Americans to use this format and medium to disseminate our opinions, ideas, and thoughts under protection of the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America.

Proud to be Americans and proud to serve our citizens and visitors to our cities.

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More Local (lay public & E.M.S.) Info
National International Chatrooms, Newsgroups & Newsletters


You think you had "A bad day"

Choking cat calls 911 for help!!!

URGENT RECALL:LSP Oxygen Regulator failures

Viagra AlertPfizer Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Viagra, recomends that any patient who has taken Viagra within the past 24 hours NOT receive Nitroglycerin for a cardiac event!!!

National & International News and Commentary

Global Pulse "International" Emergency Services News and Commentary

E.M.S. Com
The Internet Source for News in E.M.S. communications systems worldwide.


Body left on driveway.

Houston fire chief resigns

Los Angeles Paramedics at risk of STRESS RELATED job disabilities

E.M.S. Media Relations: The time is now to promote our profession of paramedicine.

System Status Management & Ambulance Design: Negative Effects on Paramedics.

Stroke Alert
The FDA approves t-PA for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke.

Toxix Fumes creates a lawsuit following an internal Disaster
A Riverside California hospital suffers a strange and yet nondifed toxin emitted from a patient.

Under Staffed
A San Jose California hospital is under investigation for the death of a patient caused by under staffing and cost saving practices.

FireSafe Whats NEWS
National & Local News Forum for Fire agencies and EMS providers.

Latex Allergies: A retired San Diego Navy Officer dies: What happened here, and links to sites that can give you more information

Standing order Epinephrine and the death of a patient. Two medics make a decission to use subcutaneous epineprine, but something goes wrong...

Dial 511??? The constant abuse and misuse of 911 and the system shortfalls.
President Clinton urges for a "new alternative number" for non-emergencies.

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic

311???It is already in operation at Arcadian Ambulance!!!

New Auto Defibrillators approved by the F.D.A. New lightweight and affordable units.

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic

New approved uses for two drugs and a device by the F.D.A.


Current San Diego County Paramedic NewsLetter

Recertification Politics
The Local E.M.S. Agency and Dr. Ochs disagree with the State E.M.S. Authority over paramedic recertifications.

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic

Q.A. Net
The San Diego County Quality Assurance Network; more than just Q.A. This is like a mini WEB!!!

by Lisa Howel E.M.T. Paramedic

Paralytic Study
Paralytic Study for the aggressive treatment of respiratory distress patients with a compromised airway management.

by Todd Klingensmith E.M.T. Paramedic

R.S.I. (Rapid Sequence Intubation)

Skill approved by the State of California Emergency Medical Service

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic

San Diego County Aeromedical Service
Two new Air-E-Vac services now operating in San Diego County.

by Steve Duffy E.M.T. Paramedic

Other Local Medic and Public Information Topics:

Please note: If you live in this city or plan to visit, the following information is critical and is directly related to Public Safety and Service and your TAX DOLLARS!

San Diego City Contract Information:

For more info or ????????? Please send E-Mail.

San Diego City Paramedic Contract Update
The San Diego City Council directed the City Manager to negotiate a contract with the San Diego Fire and Life Safety Services (S.D. Fire Department) and Rural Metro for the service to provide treatment and transportation of ill or injured citizens or visitors to our city.

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic

San Diego EMS System History / Propositions C & G
Proposition C & G voted in by San Diego citizens implementing and designing the ground work for the current paramedic program. (Recreated for this medium by FireSafe). Hosted on FIRESAFE.com.

San Diego EMS System Design Project/City Manager's Report
The City Mangers report on the New Proposal form Fitch & Associates (Recreated for this medium by FireSafe). Hosted on FIRESAFE.com.

San Diego EMS System Design Update
An informational Newsletter for those serving in San Diego (reprinted from a Newsletter by Fitch & Associates Incorporated; recreated by FireSafe). Hosted on FIRESAFE.com.

More information related to this important issue: The San Diego Fire Department-Emergency Medical Services (EMS) "First Responder Paramedic A.L.S. Engine Companies." Hosted on FIRESAFE.com.

The Real San Diego Paramedics
The "Real San Diego Paramedics:" Who are they???

by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Fire Fighter Paramedic

For more information on "Who we are and what we do," go to "Meet your Local Paramedic."

Chatrooms, NewsGroups & NewsLetters


ECG Rythm
Comments or ???

Send E-Mail to: The San Diego Paramedics.

To send articles for publication, send to; the Editor.


With the exception of the services provided from "Emerginet; GLOBAL PULSE";"EMS COM"; "HVAC's; EMS PULSE": and FireSafe; San Diego Whats-NEWS and all of the NewsLetters, ChatRooms and NewsLinks, all text and articles are provided by the members of the San Diego Paramedics and San Diego County Paramedic Association or related parties unless indicated. This "Local News Service" is an additional medium to the newsletters produced by The San Diego Paramedics and Todd Klingensmith for The SDCPA.
All articles submitted are edited and proof read by the editor and subject to ejection for poor subject matter. All articles are assumed to be free of copyrights and plagiarisms. All articles sent will become property of this medium and will not be used for profit or gain. We reserve the right to disqualify any material deemed inappropriate. We are not responsible for lost data or will we be responsible for returning anything unless directed by the author. If an article is rejected, a message will be sent explaining the rationale.

The San Diego Paramedics and The San Diego County Paramedic Association does not necessarily support any opinion stated here and any such opinion is the direct association of its author.

Brief Disclaimer.



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All aspects of this page are copyright © 1996 The San Diego Paramedics & or S.D.C.P.A. and unless otherwise stated are the property of the San Diego Paramedics and or the San Diego County Paramedic Association.