Rather than re-envent the wheel, re-write all the books and information contained in all these links and associated co-links, and provide the citizens that we serve with second generation information, this page is desgined to be a "Medical Resource Link" to First Aid, Health, Medical, and Public Safety oriented sites.
Please check out the "links" below for valuable information on how to stay healthy, how to stay safe and what to do should you have an emergency...
Don't forget to come back and visit: please mark your bookmark now...Organizations:
Health & Fitness
We are not responsible for any information contained in these Links. If you find anything disturbing or uncomfortable, please let us know. Likewise, if you find something outrageously awesome, let us know. As you will find out, this is only a small portion of what is available on the "WEB" pertaining to E.M.S. or medicine in general and it is itself overwhelming. This list is growing daily. Thank You...
Brief Disclaimer.
Web page design and maintenance by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic FireFighter;The WebMaster!
All aspects of this page are copyright © 1996 The San Diego Paramedics & or S.D.C.P.A. and unless otherwise stated are the property of The San Diego Paramedics and or the San Diego County Paramedic Association.