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The San Diego
Fire Fighters & Paramedics
E.M.S. WebRing
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Please note: every effort has been taken to make this site as user friendly as possible. Occasionally errors and or typos have come up and created "bugs" in the system and forced links and images to be non accurate.

Also: this site is compatible with almost every "browser" although it has been coded with HTLM 2, 3, and 4 extensions and Standard Generalized Markup Language. It is viewed best with "The Microsoft Internet Explorer." However: "Netscape" "Mosaic" & "Opera" will also work well. It is "Java" coded and will not work with inferior browsers..........

Sound files play best with Cresendo from Live UpDate. It is provided at the administrators expense.

Oportunities to download these and other programs are made available on this Web Site or you can E-Mail me and I will direct you to the source.


Please read this brief statement!

This Site is affiliated with The San Diego County Paramedic Association. It is not a representation of The San Diego Fire Department. However, information about The San Diego Fire Department's Paramedic Program can be found here.

This site has been sanctioned by The San Diego County Emergency Medical Director; Doctor Mel Ochs, The San Diego County Paramedic Program, The San Diego County Paramedic Association and the San Diego Medic Association.

The San Diego Medic Association acted in behalf of The City Paramedics for four years (1993 - 1997). The S.D.M.A. as it was called, represented the city paramedic workforce in an official capacity on employer / employee representation. It no longer functions as a bargaining entity as we are now represented by The Local 145, International Association of Fire Fighters. The S.D.M.A. does still exists in an "ongoing lawsuit" over missing 401-K money, missing social security money and unpaid medical and dental benefits from American Medical Services of San Diego / Fresno. This company was "our former employer" and the former contractor for the City Paramedic Program.

The San Diego County Paramedics Association represents the County paramedics and The City paramedics involving policy and procedure issues and skills. They meet with county E.M.S. and hospital staff on an official basis, monthly or when needed. The S.D.C.P.A. also publishes a skills "pocket guide" to assist paramedics in studying and staying on top of policies, protocols, and procedures.

The San Diego Paramedic "WebSite" is an unofficial medium used to educate, communicate and inform other health care and public safety personnel. While sanctioned and recognized by both the County of San Diego and The City of San Diego, it is not sponsored by or affilliated or compensated with either.

This site was just moved to a new Unix Server. There might be a few errors. I am only human and the time needed to maintain this site is tremendous. I am not compensated and I have 1000's of hour invested in it. And, I work at "my real job" almost twice as much as a "normal 40 hour per week employee."
I am not a professional HTML programer. I am however, a dedicated "Public Safety Professional" and if your house in on fire... I will extinguish it. If your heart stops beating, I will attempt to re-start it... If you are trapped in your car after a wreck, I will get you out and transport you to a hospital.


Please be patient with me... thank you in advance.

We will execute the rights of FREE SPEECH in the First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America.

And: "This site contains information and data and links to other Internet sites. The information and or links are not an endorsement of any product or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site or the webmaster." The webmaster is not libel for any false statements contained in the this web site.

"Material may not be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address." "Permission may be granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this Web site."

All information contained in this WEB Site is copyrighted © 1995, '96 '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001 & 2002. Copyright laws vary throughout the world, but the United States Copyright Act governs copyright issues in America. The United States of America also subscribes to international treaties that provide domestic copyright holders with protection in foreign countries.

We also exercise our rights as Americans to use this medium as a way to express ourselves and share our ideas with the world under protection from the
First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America.

Please respect the information here and give credit where credit is due. We have!!!

Thank you,
The WebMaster

If you get lost, come home to this address:
We have moved from firesafe.com, Earthlink.net and io-online; please update your "Bookmark."
Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the journey of your life!
You are now in San Diego Pre-Hospital CyberSpace!

Here you will find information about our paramedic program: County and City. The San Diego County Paramedic Association; Patch images to download; And an E.M.S. Photo Gallerie.

Also info on our System, our Skills, our Pharmacology, a detailed 12 lead ECG and Cardiac info. And, The S.D. City 911 Dispatch Center, Who & What is a Paramedic and How the E.M.S. system began; an extensive LINK page, WWW E.M.S. Awards application site, The E.M.S. WebRing and much more.

There is well over 25 megs of information provided.

Have a "safe" trip and come back again soon...

rev. 12-25-2001

Thanks for visiting!

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Web page design and maintenance by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic / FireFighter; The WebMaster!
