A brief stop for some important information
before starting your mission.
Scroll down to
the bottom for the next link in our Informational Public Safety
This site was designed and created as a window into the EMS
and Public Safety on the World Wide Web. This site has not only assisted other
health care professionals in exchanging ideas and information, but also it has
helped to educate the lay public, the peolpe that we serve as health care or
public safety providers, on vital isuues that could and will help in an
emergency or even prevent one from occuring.
Music on this site is best experienced with the Crescendo
Midi Plugin. Streaming Crescendo is paid for by this site's administration.
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version here!
This site is dedicated
to all the Allied Health, Emergency Medical Service and Public Safety
personnel, some of them without compensation, in the City and County of San
Diego, California and throughout the world that serve the public day in and day
out and preform their duties, These men and women of all ages, race, creed,
color, religious background, national origin, ancestry, and sex, whose
unselfish act of devotion has improved, without measure, the quality and
effectiveness of prehospital care and human life.
Please continue scrolling down...
The link to the next
offramp to the San Diego Paramedics Site is near the bottom...
Presented by HART Enterprises to webpages that
- Pride in presentation of topics.
- Easy navigation.
- An attitude that exemplifies good "net ethics".
Congratulations! Your webpage has been
selected to receive the "FLY WITH EAGLES" award presented by HART Enterprises
(http://www.hart.idsite.com) This award was implemented because in 1984, as the
result of an accident while serving as an officer on active duty with the US
Army, I became a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down. In a veterans
hospital for 10 months, I was among many young men struggling to put a sense of
worth back into their lives. I always admired our national symbol, the bald
eagle, for its strength, courage and beauty, and its ability to soar on the
slightest of winds. It was what those of us in the hospital were trying to do -
muster up the strength and courage to live our lives with the least amount of
help. Now I am in a position financially, physically, and spiritually to
recognize others for their efforts. Thus, the "Fly With Eagles" award was born.
We surf the net looking for worthy web pages. And, in some cases, web pages are
recommended to us. Your respect for proper NET ETHICS and your ability to
display your webpage in a LOGICAL, INFORMATIVE, and CREATIVE format places you
among only a handful of webmasters that have received this award.
Sincerely Bruce Hart LTC USA (Ret) Life Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of
"While on active duty as an officer with the US Army, I became a
quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down. After a medevac flight (where I
had to be resuscitated by the medic on board), I spent 6 weeks in "Shock
Trauma" (where I needed to be resuscitated for a second time).Now I am in a
position financially, physically, and spiritually to recognize others for their
efforts. Thus, the "FLY WITH EAGLES" award was born."
"A special and
appreciative thank you to Officer Ron Fleischer of the Windsor Colorado Police
Department for designing our award."
Bruce Hart LTC USA (Ret)
To all whom this site shall come Greetings. Know ye, that I,
confiding in the outstanding
of The San Diego Paramedics do as of this date Feb 6 in the
year of our Lord one thousand nineteen hundred and ninety eight and of the
great Independence of the "United States of America" the two hundred and twenty
second year bestow upon the above named "Patriot" with great pride for the
exceptional display of "Outstanding Patriotism."
this Award Presented by:
Al Varelas - USMC
Decorated Vietnam Veteran
26th Marine Regiment
Khe Sanh Combat Base
Republic of South Vietnam
Know ye all who preview this presentation, that this Award is
confered upon True Patriots only. Be it also known that this Award is given at
the discretion of it's originator, or by recommendation of a receipient, and
cannot be applied for...
Attention current & former
San Diego City Paramedics!!!
for information regarding the multiple lawsuits pending or filed against
American Medical Services pertaining to missing Social Sercurity $.$$, payroll
shortages and bounce charges, misappropriated and missing 401-K retirement
$.$$, and Medical Insurance deficits. The last estimate calculated is somewhere
over $ 2,000,000.00 in deficit owed to the prior contracted
New: Brought to you by the San
Diego Paramedics:
"The EMS
Awards we have
Awards we
honor to outstanding WebSites:
Maybe you can help these
kids??? Just a thought...
tks for caring...
Missing Childrens
These graphics created by
A most wonderful, kind and generous
Contact The California Department of Justice:
Persons Site
If you have
information on Missing Persons.
outside California
(916) 227-3290
Victims of
If you, or
someone you love, or someone you care about is a victim of a crime, you should
- You have rights
- You can get help
- and
- You can work for a positive
The Office For Victims of Crimes
Californians can access The Victims of Crimes Program...
Victims, family members and loved ones may
be eligible for reimbursement of expenses resulting from a
For help:
State Board of Control
Po.O. Box # 3036
Sacramento, CA. 95812-3036
OR call:
Victims of Crime Resource Center at:
Victims expenses may be reimbursed
- Medical
- Wage loss
- Mental Health
- Funeral burial
Continue on your journey...
Web page design and maintenance by
Mitch Mendler
E.M.T. Paramedic;The WebMaster!
Brief Disclaimer.
All aspects of this page are
copyright © 1996 and
unless otherwise stated are property of the San Diego Paramedics and or the San
Diego County Paramedic Association.