Honor, Valor, Courage, Pride, Faith, Strength, Love, and Sacrifice
Background music: Mary Fahl - "The Dawning Of The Day"

Dawning of the Day Audio


Like the Phoenix rising through the ashes, we as a nation and the people of the world have overcome the tragedy of September 11 and have risen to the challenge.

In response to the terrorists’ attacks upon America there was courage, there was heroism, there was sacrifice, there was compassion and there was wisdom. First, however, and this is the virtue from whence all those others come, there was humility. From the office workers who helped each other escape, to the firefighters, EMT's, paramedic and police officers who responded, from those trapped in the towers above, to the airline passengers in the skies over Western Pennsylvania.

It was a day when the human virtues and verities of wisdom, triumphed over the truth of the hatred and intolerance and death and destruction the terrorists brought out of the sky.

On September 11, 2001, America as a country, as a people, and as a way of life was attacked. It was also an attack on the world. The horrible acts of a few took the lives of many and left the rest of us with an opportunity. An opportunity for us as a people to unite and rise up to our call to save lives. On that day while loved ones were made victims, heroes were born. While the towers burned, souls surged. Selfishness fell to sacrifice, fear was met with bravery, and hate died at the hands of love. On that day we as Americans seized our righteousness, and united in hope and determination for our fellow man.

Firefighters raced up stairwells all the way to the fire floor. Police Officers pulled out the injured. EMT's and paramedics treated people and transported the injured only to return to preform their duty. 9/11 operators and dispatchers stayed on the phone with the trapped until the phones went silent. While nurses and doctors worked to cheat death one life at a time. Many were saved.

All gave some, some gave all.

Many people gave their lives to save people they didn't even know. Over 400 public safety personnel were lost including 343 fire fighters, 70 police officers, and 16 EMT / paramedics. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Thousands united in rescue efforts and millions began to offer their support in countless ways.

Our loved ones and our way of life was attacked, and we responded with what makes us Americans—strength, love, and sacrifice.

Now you have an opportunity to show your respect and patriotism with your support of this noble project.

Thank you,

Mitch Mendler
Please take time to reflect and pay respect to the citizens of the world who were lost on 9/11/01 in NYC, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. 2978 people were taken away from loved ones. However, they were not lost in vain and they are not forgotten. Memorials like this are a celebration of their lives.

This virtual memorial is meant to educate and teach tolerance and truth. There are no politics here. There are no boundaries or borders. We are all one people from many nations and civilizations, from different cultures and ethnic diversities. We are one people. 106 countries lost at least one citizen. 439 Public Safety Personnel and one K9 gave their lives in the line of duty, bonded by blood in the brotherhood. One by one, fire company by fire company, unit by unit, crew by crew they accepted their assignments and orders without reserve. Some were scared, most were at least concerned. You could see it in their faces as one report detailed.

All of the public safety personnel involved in the response affected one of the largest rescue operations in the history of the world and saved an estimated 25,000 people. 25,000!

Everyday civilians decided to take back control of United Flight 93. They fought their way into the cockpit and saved 1000's of innocent people at an intended target in Washington DC. Two EMT's attempted to save a mortally injured passenger. This was in fact, the first offensive task in the new war that has changed the world as we knew it.

They all preformed these acts of heroism without reserve.

As stated in the scriptures, No Greater Love Than This, To lay down your life for others!"

FDNY Ten House (10 Truck and 10 Engine) is located on Liberty Street on the south perimeter of the WTC Site. On the windshield of the Truck there are BOLD font lettering stating: DEFENDING LIBERTY st. They lost 4 men.

4 Truck and 54 Engine (FDNY 9th Battalion) is located in teh Theater District near the north end of Times Square. Their solgan is "WE NEVER MISS A PREFORMANCE." They lost 15 men on 9/11.

FDNY Chief Peter Ganci's Son, Chris gave this eulogy at his father's funeral,

These men willingly gave their lives to help other people, 25,000 were saved, because of the efforts of men like this. They don't do it money, They don't do it fame, They do it for each other, They do it for strangers, In the hope that if their family was in trouble, Somebody would come to their rescue.

A military widow who lost her husband at the Pentagon sent me a message via e-Mail a few years ago. At the end, there was statement which is an old Indian proverb. It read, "No one is truly gone, as long as someone remembers them!"

We are keeping the memories alive! And, we have shown the world that the people of the United States of America have NOT FORGOTTEN!

On September 11th, we did not run, we answered the call. The men and women, both civilians and first responders - the public safety personnel and armed forces of the United States of America defended freedom, and liberty that fateful Tuesday Morning on Sept 11th 2001.

We honor the fallen here!

All of the images on this site and pertaining to the this project are © COPYRIGHTED
Used only by permission. REQUEST: Send an e-Mail to here

FDNY Retired Lieutenant Joe Torrillo Twice survived WTC 1&2 / OFFICIAL Flag Spokesperson Phone # 917 863-8656
Mitch Mendler (Director - Coordinator - Logistics) Phone # 619 944-7011
Wayne Louth (Project Scheduling - Planning) Phone # 760 270-7455

Web page design and maintenance by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. FireFighter Paramedic:The WebMaster!

All aspects of this page are copyright © 2011 PublicSafetyNet and unless otherwise stated are the property of WORLD MEMORIAL, the contributing photographers and PublicSafetyNet.