An EMS Prayer
As I perform my duty Lord
Whatever be the call,
Help to guide and keep me safe
From dangers big
and small.
I want to serve and do my
No matter what the scene,
I pledge to keep my skills refined,
My judgement quick and keen.
This calling to give of my
Most do not understand,
But I stand ready all the time
To help
my fellow man.
To have the chance to help a
Restore his laugh with glee,
A word of thanks I might not
But knowing is enough for me.
The praise of men is fine for
But I feel truly blessed,
That you oh Lord have chosen me
serve in EMS!
L. Lipps
Show me a person who spends
endless hours in training without pay,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person where a cry
for help brings split-second dispatch,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who is
devastated when lives are lost or maimed,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who is
graciously welcomed as a next-door neighbor,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who takes
ridicule more than compliments,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person whose car is
garaged with the grille facing out,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who sacrifices
homelife, TV... even tender moments,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person visibly moved
at the strains of our National Anthem,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who may be
asked to give more than just dedication,
And, I'll show you a
Show me a person who is asked
to give more... and more... and more,
And, I'll show you a
BEYOND A CHRISTMAS DAY Working on a holiday Is not so very strange. To Public Servants everywhere, Cause some thing's never change. They sacrifice, so we can live In peace through out the land. Christmas day and everyday, We need their helping hand. So don't forget to thank the Lord, When Santa's gone away. For all the peace these servants bring, Beyond a Christmas Day. © 2000 William Heffner P.O. Box 677 Coldwater, Michigan 49036
FREEDOM NEVER DIES September eleventh two thousand one, The whole world got to see. The towering twins of New York State, Fall so helplessly. They both were struck by suicide jets. On a mission to destroy. The spirit of America And freedoms we enjoy. Then a third jet struck our Pentagon, While a fourth jet couldnt go, Beyond the Pennsylvania trees, Cause of heroes, we now know. So with vengeance left to be the Lords One thing still applies... Freedom just might cost your life. But freedom never dies! © 2001 William Heffner P.O. Box 677 Coldwater, Michigan 49036
The Champion I wanted to be a champion To quench my winning thirst, But I could never get beyond Second place to first. Winning just eluded me In every single quest, Though working hard and practicing To try and be the best. Then I went above it all To find out what succeeds And there I found the winning edge That every champion needs; Faith to get the victory And faith to know within, Champions always keep the faith. The faithful always win! © 2002 William Heffner
A M E R I C A A is for the Attitudes that conquer any quest M is for the Multitudes who know just why their blessed E pluribus unum from sea to shining sea R for all the Riches found where everyone is free I for Individuals who sacrifice their all C because our Christian faith will answer every call, so one more A for Attitudes That live inside of us God has blessed America Cause God is who we trust G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A ! © 2001 William Heffner P.O. Box 677 Coldwater, Michigan 49036 Americans are Champions, because they keep the faith, so the best is yet to come for One Nation Under God!
Twin Souls! I lost my partner, my lover, My best friend, and most of all, I lost my soul mate. Many people ask me how I can go on. I just smile and think about All the love we had and made Over the years we spent together. I calmly say: I keep a picture of them in my wallet, And an album of pictures of them in my soul. They say that your eyes Are the windows to your soul? So on that unforgettable day, 9-11 I first saw the twins fall. Then my camera started clicking, Snapping pictures of all the memories we had together. I automatically downloaded them into my soul, Where they shall remain forever. Now I can truly say I see the true colors of the rainbow. Red, White, and Blue. So I can say, The twins that fell on 9-11 Are now my twin souls? Stephen Claybern EMT36850
Waiting For Life! On 9-11-2001, I was working in my office, When all of a sudden, there was this troubling sound, Then the electric went out, and then my office started to fill with smoke, I knew that something was wrong, I could hear people screaming, and people running around, As I asked some one what was wrong, I heard the building is falling down, run for your life, As I sat there in my wheelchair, I tried to get to the stairway, but there were too many people, When I finally reached the stairs, I was waiting for some one To help carry me down the steps, I kept waiting and no one offered, I kept begging for help, but no one would help me, So I knew that I was going to die, I knew that I could not use the elevator, the electric was out, As I started to crawl down the stairs, I could feel something or some one, lifting me by the arms, As I turned to look who was helping me, I could see through the blackened smoke There stood two beautiful Angels, When they lifted me up, they told me to stand on my own legs, As I tried to I could feel my legs for the first time in my life, I realized that my waiting was over, I was going to a place where there was no misery, A place where there is only love, I knew that I was heading for the stairway to heaven, And that I was no longer waiting for anything any more. As myself and the other beautiful souls were walking the stairway to God. We knew that we were no longer in danger, All we ask is that you never forget us, from 9-11-2001. Stephen Claybern EMT36850
The Angels of light Above The Towers! I was driving along side the Twin towers On that unforgettable September morning of the 11th. When all of a sudden, I saw, a very large flash of light, And I heard a large boom, which sent a big billowing Cloud of gray smoke that filled the sky. My heart started to race. I could not believe what was happening, As I stopped the car, and got out, And looking up through the thick blackened smoke, I could see that the skyline was filled with Thousands of Golden flickering lights. To my wonder, and amazement, I could see Angels dancing in the Sky, Then I suddenly realized that, God was calling some of his Children home. I did not know if I should cry, Or just be angry at the terrible Devil Who was responsible for this terrible, and oh so cruel Destruction. We must all pray that the good Lord will forgive them. So on this unforgettable day, 9-11-2001. My Faith in the Lord grew stronger then ever. Now when ever I look into the Midnight skis. I think about all the wonderful souls Which were taken from us at an early time. As you are looking at the twinkling stars, And you see a shooting star, you have just seen, One of the beautiful souls that were lost on 9-11-2001. Their souls are there to remind us that we should Never forget that day. So I am asking you to remember all the Angels in the sky.
The Unheard Cries! I am a Firefighter, that was one of the first personal To arrive after the collapse of the towers, As we arrived I could not find my younger brother, His engine company was missing, Over all the confusion, we could not hear a sound, We knew that we had so many people missing, Yet we could not even hear them crying out loud Or we could not even hear their cries from within their Hearts, A missing friend or family member is the worst Thing that any one should have to go through, Knowing that there are people berried under all the debris, And not being able to get to them, The feeling in your Heart and gut, Never to give up, and we are trained not to give up. Just thinking that you will never see them again, Or you will never get to say your proper goodbyes. Sometimes you wish that you had never of joined the department, You start to think why them and not you. You tell yourself that if you did this, Or maybe if you had done that, We must remember not to blame ourselves, For it was the Lord who chose who was to go And who was to remain, We must also believe that there was no suffering, That, the Lord made the crossover easy for them. We must keep their memories alive in our hearts and souls, As they are now are Guardian Angels, And they protect us through the rest of our lives, God Bless all the souls that were lost on that Unforgettable, of 9-11-2001. Their faces will be engraved in our hearts forever. God Bless The United States of America.
As I Sat There Weeping! We were dispatched to a call, We were told that we were to respond To a possible explosion down town N.Y. city, The explosion was at the twin towers, On 9-11-2001, As we rounded the corner, I was in total shock and dismay, I could not believe what I was seeing, The entire area was in total keas, We could see that several engine companies, And police, as well as our EMS unites Where already there and they were Destroyed. And the crews were missing, All I could do was to fall to my knees, and pray. Pray that they and all the other people are still alive. Knowing that there are so many innocent people that are still missing, Not knowing what was happing, As I set there on my knees, I could feel something lifting me up, Holding me high giving me the courage to move on, I needed to help in any way I could, There was so much work to be done, You didnt know where to start, As I looked too my side, I could see that two Wonderful angels had me by my arms, Lifting me to my feet, Telling me to pray, and that everything would be safe now. As we started looking through the ruble Searching for our Brothers, and Sisters that were lost, As I looked through all of the destruction, I looked up through the thickened black smoke, Towards heaven, we all could see lots of souls floating in the gray skies, Making their way home, They were also guiding us which way to look next, We could hear the angels telling us to stop weeping, And that we should thank the Lord for opening our eyes, As we searched through the ruble, We should remember this place as, as ground hero not ground zero.
My Life Line! On September 11th. 2001, I had just returned from my honeymoon, My wife was at home, I was on my first flight for work, When we were about halfway home, When suddenly there was a struggle on the plane, We were being high jacked, I reached down for my cell phone to call my new wife, When she answered the phone, She was hysterical; she told me that a plane had just crashed Into one of the towers, I told her what was going on, And I know at that instant in my heart, I was not going home to my wife, And that we would never hold each other In our arms again, Or until we meet in heaven someday, I tried to calm her down as we were talking, When out of the planes window, We could see that we were heading Straight for the other tower, I did not tell her that I know that I was about to die, The only thing that I could say to her was that I love you so much, And then the phone went silent, And my wife know what had happened, But right before the plane hit, I heard her say I love you my Angel! God Bless America! This is my last one so far. Thank you again so much.
Flight To Heaven! I was on my daily flight to work, When all of a sudden, there was a group That was getting rowdy, They told everybody to stay calm, They were highjacking the plane, And that we were all going to die, Our hearts started to pound, Some of the guys on the plane, Were going to try and attempted to help, But we knew that there was nothing that could be done, So we did whatever they told us to do, At around 9:10, we could see a building Just out side the window to our left, The building was getting closer, As we prayed, a calm feeling came over all of us, We knew and excepted the Lord into our hearts, We knew that we were going to be with him soon, Just before impact we heard the angels singing, And that is when we realized That we were on the Flight to Heaven! God Bless America!!!
The Angels of light Above The Towers! I was driving along side the Twin towers On that unforgettable September morning of the 11th. When all of a sudden, I saw, a very large flash of light, And I heard a large boom, which sent a big billowing Cloud of gray smoke that filled the sky. My heart started to race. I could not believe what was happening, As I stopped the car, and got out, And looking up through the thick blackened smoke, I could see that the skyline was filled with Thousands of Golden flickering lights. To my wonder, and amazement, I could see Angels dancing in the Sky, Then I suddenly realized that, God was calling some of his Children home. I did not know if I should cry, Or just be angry at the terrible Devil Who was responsible for this terrible, and oh so cruel Destruction. We must all pray that the good Lord will forgive them. So on this unforgettable day, 9-11-2001. My Faith in the Lord grew stronger then ever. Now when ever I look into the Midnight skis. I think about all the wonderful souls Which were taken from us at an early time. As you are looking at the twinkling stars, And you see a shooting star, you have just seen, One of the beautiful souls that were lost on 9-11-2001. Their souls are there to remind us that we should Never forget that day. So I am asking you to remember all the Angels in the sky.
The Day After! The day after 9-11, I woke up and thought that I was dreaming, Until I turned on the TV, And the story was all over the news, I thought to myself why, As the day went on I started to realilize, That this country is the best, The day after is when shock really sets in, You want to believe that everything is going to be ok, But what do we do, is our family and friends Going to be ok, or are we going to be afraid. I guess we needed this to wake us up, What a shame to lose so many inoscent lives, As the weeks, and now a years has gone by, We still think about that horrible day, A day when precious lives were lost, If we think about it, we should of never let 9-11 happen, It has so now we must go on living, Living life to its fullest. Never missing out on any time with your families, Never knowing what to expect next, The Day After will always be there, But tomorrow is a new begging, We should make it a law, To never have a day after again.
My 9/11 Commemorative Poem It's called : "Let Peace Lead The Way" ! Let Peace Lead The Way When Grief Is Too Much To Bear When Arms No More Live To Enfold Us Let Peace Lead The Way When Anger Wants To Break Out When Aggressors Try To Control and Break Us Let Peace Lead The Way When Our Children Cry And Are Left Orphaned When Husbands Or Wives' Parted To Early In Life Let Peace Lead The Way When Heroes Leave Us Their Legacy Of Courage And Stories To Remember Through The Ages Let Peace Lead The Way As The American And World Flags And Hearts Salute Very Brave Cities As We Pay Respect To Over 3,000 Lives Let Peace Lead The Way When We Can't Accept Or Forgive Let Peace Lead The Way When We Forget Faith And Prayer And Tears Flow Unashamedly From Sea To Shining Sea Let Peace Lead The Way For All Humanity's Sake, Keeping Nation's Together To Empower, Educate, and Keeps Freedoms Name Safe Let Peace Lead The Way By Tatiana A. Kostanian September 11, 2002 A Poem To Commemorate All Lives Of 9/11 Worldwide IG [] Senior US Ambassador Dir of AccessAbility - Special Services Copyright Sept 11, 2002 - San Francisco - Ca
In Memory of September 11, 2001 The Eagle Will Soar Again A black void, emptiness, as wings of demons descend, brittle glass shatters innocence, now, hidden concealed revenge. An eagle in flight sailing like a mighty god of the sky, a serpent within its talons the struggle between dark and light. A Nation's blood splattered, red pain slices at every soul, sorrow transcends our reality amongst the soot and the smoke. Brothers and Sisters that traveled into The Valley of Death may be physically lost, but their memories are now etched from the heart of one into the hearts of two into the hearts of everyone, America, God Bless you. A flag wavers in the breeze, yet erect like the Rugged Cross, its stars the eyes of this night crying for a Nation's loss. White our stolen purity, Red our mighty valor, Blue our vigilant Chief watching the eagle soar. Wounded the godlike eagle attempts to once again fly, struggling to reach the Heavens through the darkness of this night, towards an everlasting communion a eulogy in red, white, and blue, a spiritual state of unity America, God Bless you. © 2001 Tammy A. Callahan-Callanan
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