World Memorial ®

Keeping the
memories alive

Honor | Pride | Respect | Dignity | Courage
Honoring The Fallen
The men and women who gave their lives for the Red, White and Blue,
the Public Safety Personnel who keep us safe,
And the Armed Forces who are preserving our freedom.

The Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave
50 States in 5 Years

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As of June 29th 2021, the Flag has traveled (by Air, Land and Sea - Car, Train, Plane and Boat) 107575.4 miles to accomplish diplays at 50 state capitols (Augusta Maine) and additional displays since September 7th 2016.
The flag has traveled a total of 124,162 miles as of Oct 16th 2021 on this project to Re-Unite The United States.

For more information contact:

Mitch Mendler (Project Coordinator - Logistics) 619-944-7011

Date State Capitol State Flag
09/15/16 Deleware State Capitol
Legislative Hall Dover
The First U.S. State
Dover, DE.

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10/21/16 Arizona State Capitol
Phoenix, AZ.

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12/06/16 Hawaii State Capitol
Honolulu, HI.

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1/22/17 Washington State Capitol
Olympia, WA.

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1/23/17 Oregon State Cpaitol
Salem, OR.

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1/24/17 California State Capitol
Sacramento, CA.

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5/22/17 Mississippi State Capitol
Jackson, MS.

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5/23/17 Alabama State Capitol
Montgomery, AL.

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5/23/17 Georgia State Capitol
Atlnanta, GA.

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5/24/17 South Carolina State Capitol
Columbia, S.C.

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5/24/17 North Carolina State Capitol
Raleigh, N.C.

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5/25/17 Virginia State Capitol
Richmond, VI.

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5/25/17 Maryland State Capitol
Annapolis, MD.

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5/30/17 Pensylvania State Capitol
Harrisburg, PA.

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5/30/17 New Jersey State Capitol
Trenton, NJ.

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9/8/17  Colorado State Capitol
Denver, CO.

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9/10/17  South Dakota State Capitol
Pierre, S.D.

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9/11/17 North Dakota State Capitol
Bismarck, N.D.

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9/12/17  Minnesotta State Capitol
Saint Paul, MN.

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2/21/18  West Virginia State Capitol
Charleston, W.V.

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2/22/18  Kentucky State Capitol
Frankfort, KY.

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2/23/18  Tennessee State Capitol
Nashville, TN.

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 Arkansas State Capitol
Little Rock, AR.

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5/1/18 Alaska State Capitol
Juneau AK.

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5/4/18 Montana State Capitol
Helena, MT.

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5/5/18 Idaho State Capitol
Bosie, ID.

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5/6/18 Utah State Capitol
Salt Lake AR.

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5/24/18 New York State Capitol
Albany, AR.

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9/12/18 Texas State Capitol
Austin, TX.

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10/5/18 New Mexico State Capitol
Santa Fe, TX.

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4/17/19 Iowa State Capitol
Des Moines, IA.

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4/17/19 Nebraska State Capitol.
Lincoln, NE.
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4/18/19 Kansas State Capitol
Topeka, KN.

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4/18/19 Oklahoma State Capitol
Oklahoma, OK.
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6/10/19 Conneticut State Capitol
Hartford, CN.
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6/10/19 Rhode Island State Capitol
Providence, OK.
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6/10/19 Massachusetts State Capitol
Boston, OK.
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9/19/19 Florida State Capitol
Tallahassee, FL.Click to Enlarge
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9/22/19 Louisiana State Capitol
Batton Rouge, AL.

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12/18/19 Nevada State Capitol
Carson City, NV.

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8/12/20 Wyoming State Capitol
Cheyanne, WY.

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8/13/20 Michigan State Capitol
Lansing, MI.

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8/15/20 Wisconsin State Capitol
Madison. WI.

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10/8/20 Missouri State Capitol
Jefferson City, MO..

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10/9/20 Illinios State Capitol
Sprindsfield, IL.

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10/10/20 Indiana State Capitol
Indianapolis, IN.

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10/12/20 Ohio State Capitol
Columbus, OH.

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6/27/21 New Hampshire State Capitol
Concord, NH.

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6/28/21 Vermont State Capitol
Montpellier, ME.

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6/29/21 Maine State Capitol
Augusta, MN.

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Mitch Mendler (Project Coordinator - Logistics)

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Web page design and maintenance by Mitch Mendler E.M.T. Paramedic FireFighter;The WebMaster!

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