
Steel Voices CallingWORLD MEMORIALAerial View











Spinning Globe

he southern footprint is elevated two levels (43 feet) above an immaculate National Park, dotted with large trees, benches and meandering walkways.  In beauty and simplicity, 3,000 names are etched on blue-tinted glass in opposition to a 1
10-foot signature piece of WTC beams that stand in defiance to terrorism.  The 95-bell carillon is a voice for the victims and a clear reminder of the twin tower's overwhelming size and subsequent devastation.  Balanced with a reflecting pool, flowers and golden HOPE sculpture, the surviving WTC steel will stand erect for a 1,000 years.

Aerial View Description

From the 9/11 Family retreat, a family member can whisper the name of their loved one - and across the Memorial mall that name will glow in the glass wall.  With simplicity of light, family members and the public are immediately bonded to this ethereal effect.

Descend behind the double-sided glass wall to the Visitors Center within the WTC #2 (south) footprint.  Numerous multimedia tributes and exhibits celebrate the 400-year history of Manhattan, American Spirit, and the World Trade Center prior
to that infamous morning.  The victim names (etched in the honor roll above) shine down through a "water-covered" skylight, on the Unknown Ashes, protected in a cylindrical cathedral sanctuary. In reverse, visitors can look up and see the WTC wall shimmering high above the Memorial Fountains. 

The bottom level represents our journey
post 9/11.  WORLD MEMORIAL opens up to a Day Nursery dedicated to the children who lost a parent that day and a youth Education Center promoting awareness, hope and tolerance to the future leaders of all nations. Finally, the journey wanders through the 2-acre Park and ends at the WTC #1 (north) footprint. It is embraced with the color of 82 International flags; each representing a nation that lost a citizen on September Eleven.


© 2001, ver-04/27/04
