About Us

The OTHER HEROES, painting by Fay Lindrooth, mother of Captain  Lindrooth, UNITED AIRLINES
The Other Heroes

9-11 Flight Crew Memorial
125 East Worth Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051

Service Make a WISH Foundation Office duties
Business End

911 Flight Crew Memorial, a nonprofit foundation, was formed by Flight Attendant Valerie and husband Dean Thompson to promote artwork and services dedicated to flight crews lost during the terrorist attack on September 2001.  911 Flight Crew Memorial has gained national prominence and is endorsed by employees of American and United Airlines.

Please Send Your Memorial Ideas and Sketches

F/A Valerie Thompson, Founder
Dean Thompson, President
F/A Cheryl Jahreis, Vice President
NWA Captain Steven Mahannah (Ret.), Secretary
F/O Brus D. Messinger, Treasurer
F/A Kathy Lord Jones, Public Relations
P.W. McCallum, City of Grapevine Liaison
Captain Bill Shirley (Ret.), Gray Eagles and APA Liaison
Captain Tom Martin (Ret.), Golf Tournament

Artists, sculptors and architects are invited to submit designs:
Click here for design specifications

May their courage and soaring professionalism,
in the face of unthinkable horror,
stand forever as an inspiration to us all.

 Official 9/11 Flight Crew Site     Other Tributes     WORLD MEMORIAL
  This site is the property of an independent nonprofit foundation endorsed but not affiliated with American or United Airlines
All Rights Reserved,
© Sep 2001, ver-04/27/04