

3 Towers


3 Towers

Let me introduce my suggestion of the new WTC building. The project is containing base building (30 meters high) and three towers. Each of them is symbolizing one of the American basic principles of the modern democratic society - Unity, Liberty and Justice. These are also the names of the towers: Unity - 200 meters, Liberty - 250 meters and Justice - 300 meters. Among them, 50 meters high, is placed a conical museum of Twin towers tragedy surrounding by terrace with unique sight of towers majestic look. Towers are also connected in height of 150 meters for easier way from one to another. This connecting corridor symbolizes connection between unity, liberty and justice as well. Every tower has a slope roof with an outlook terrace over Manhattan. I think this new WTC building is good useful commercial building, new great New York landmark (recreating nice Manhattan skyline) and grave memory of victims of the September 11 tragedy.

Daniel Topic
March 11, 2003


© Sep 2001, ver-04/27/04

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