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Help us tour the huge US Patriot Flag around the nation
Contact: Firefighter-Paramedic Mitch Mendler 619-944-7011
The Patriot Flag! - FREE Posters - Please Help


18-Wheeler transports 9/11 artifacts and the 40' Honor Roll
Tour Page - Patriot Flag! - Truck - 40' Honor Roll

Erect the surviving WTC steel, recognized by 5 billion people, into an above-ground memorial.
Steel voices, immaculate park, flowers, twin towers and sanctuary for 9-11 families
Memorial "Liberty Bells" - FREE Posters
RELEASE OF SOULS Creators Louis Louw, Dave Rouleau and Kathleen Tonnesen.


International artists, professionals and guest musicians perform during the North America tour
The concert series spotlights artwork, songs and community, unity, that grew out of the 9/11 tragedy
ROS - Artists - Concerts - Media - Team - Tour Dates - FREE Posters


Education Center for World Peace - Public Safety for Children - Teaching Tolerance
US firefighters united together to recycle rescue equipment to countries and "brothers" in need
RESCUE! - Wings of Peace - KidsRsafe - 911 Museum - Ground Zero Memorial


Global Response
Honor our fallen, protect history, and above all, healing
New WTC, community, park, and International museum
Education center; promoting peace and tolerance
Children's nursery and solemn retreat

9/11 Memorial
125 killed in Washington
World Trade Center; 2,749 killed
Commemorate the 9/11 Survivors and
GZ rescue workers that are still dying today
Aviation Tribute; Flight 93 Heroes & first victims of 9/11

Future LeadersLife & LibertyFamily WORLD MEMORIAL
Glenda RaeStarting out as a volunteer, Shannon Sandridge progressed quickly up the ranks to become a professional fire fighter and Senior Instructor with the Mississippi Fire Academy.  Shannon's real-life experiences in braving fires and saving lives, forged with his love of singing/songwriting, serve as an emotionally backdrop to the WORLD MEMORIAL Firefighter Tribute. Miles Black WebsiteWORLD DEBUT, live performance in New York City, September Eleven, 2006 by French-Lebanese Composer Bechara EL KHOURY
release of Souls FIONA BLACKBURN Website9-11;   Performed by Mr. Hansen's 5th Grade Class at Easterbrook Elementary with help of singer/songwriter/producer Bob Reid
Artists Founder and Artist of RELEASE OF SOULS Founder and Artist of RELEASE OF SOULS Creative builder Dave Rouleau assembles the ROS touring memorial; prototype of the 190' GZ Memorial - "Survivors Corner"
Robert Krupinski - Board Member (nomination), Official New Jersey State Bugler
MASTER of CEREMONIES: Erroll G. Southers, Deputy Director, Office of Homeland Security, CASinger-Song Writer Robyn Adams in a tribute to WORLD MEMORIAL - We Will Remember YouTenor Mark Donnelly resides in White Rock, BC with his wife Catherine and their seven children.  For bookings or lessons, please call 604-339-4435Broadway Singer/Song Writer/Actress Patricia Welch and WORLD MEMORIAL - United We Stand
Jack Toale - Board Member, FDNY Coordinator, Chief ROS Memorial Docent and Morale OfficerNew York City Recording Artist WENDY WALL dedicates a WORLD MEMORIALRecording Artist Donny Sawyer voices support for a WORLD MEMORIALRobert Landry, sculpting the WORLD MEMORIAL Museum Centerpiece Motion Picture Art Director and Emmy Award winner Warren Clymer joins the WORLD MEMORIAL design teamMitch Mendler - Vice President, Firefighter-Paramedic and Founder of 9/11 Memorial CoinsJo Ann Biviano "I'll Always Remember!"WORLD MEMORIAL Founder dedicates this site to friends and colleagues killed one September morning. . . . . .

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©2001-2011 WM - Exhibiting "Steel Voices," promoting tolerance and building an above-ground 9/11 Memorial
Federal 501c3 Nonprofit Charity, all donations are tax-deductible, EIN #48-1292008

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