




Dear World Memorial Committee,

I had a dream last night about the towers. My idea to pay tribute is to leave the massive hole but construct beautiful pools of water at street level and have them cascade over the edge of the twin towers old foundation hole. People could actually walk down into the pit to witness the massive falls coming over the edges. Down in the center of the pit would be a beautiful park for people to congregate. At the center of the park would be erected a miniature replica of all the buildings that came down on 911, yet large enough to make an impact on the viewer as they viewed it's reflection in the "new" glass covered walls of the pit.  Water would not cascade continuously, but rather would commence each day at the precise time the towers were hit. People would stand in awe first as they viewed the reflection of our beautiful towers in the reflective glass walls only then to be obscured by the commencement of thundering waterfalls beginning at the exact time of the attack. The memorial should close each night for cleaning of the glass walls and checking of all the pump systems. Funding I would think would be assisted if not paid all by an appropriation from Congress as well as continued funding for constant operation. Thank you for taking time to read this.

David S. Culver, Idaho
20 April 2004


© Sep 2001, ver-04/27/04

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